Librarianship Journey

Mark Andrew D. Bacordo
Bachelor of Library and Information Science major in Academic Librarianship

This is the perfect time to post this photo since I earned my bachelor’s degree (Library and Information Science) last October 23, 2014 and few more days to go before the graduation ceremony.

Indeed the fruit of my hard work and efforts after five years of schooling. My college was not an easy journey; I’ve encountered problems and difficulties that tested my patience, perseverance and faith in God. But despite that I went through, I never give up because in every battle I faced, I learned something from it. God is always with me and that His own way of helping me to achieve all that I aspire. I can’t achieve this dream without the helped of so many kindhearted people who were instruments in whom I’m grateful and thankful for their contribution in my success.

First, to my ever supportive, loving and amazing family (Mama TC, siblings Kuya John2x, Kuya Along and Sis Leah, Sister-in-Law Ate Lyn and two pamangkin Collen and AJ boy) who never failed to show their limitless support (morally and financially) and for the genuine love they afforded to me. Thank you for always being there to me during the ups and downs of my life. You guys are my inspiration in pursuing this dream and this is all for you.

To my relatives, thank you for your help and for believing in me that I can make it.

To my awesome friends (amegang tunay, true friends, best friends, close friends, Library family, JETSO family and JLO family), thank you so much guys for being part of my college life. The laughters and precious moments that we’ve shared together are absolutely the most treasured ones and worth keeping for. All of you gave colors and and flavours in my five years sojourn in Notre Dame of Dadiangas University.

To my thoughtful and supportive unit heads, thank you for the guidance and advices you gave to me during my stay at college library as a library student assistant. Also, thank you for helping me in bringing out the best of me.

To my professors (major and minor subjects), thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge and expertise that helps me to develop in my field of specialization. What I am right now are all because of you my dearest professors.

To Notre Dame of Dadiangas University especially the college library, thank you so much for the great opportunity you’ve afforded to me. I am so blessed and fortunate to be chosen as one of your student assistants and it was my pleasure to serve the college library. The experiences and learning’s that I’ve gained is indeed a great contribution as I take the broader path of my career. I assure you that I will uphold all the values and to live my life to the fullest as what St. Marcellin Champagnat did.

To the most high, who is the source of wisdom and life, thank you God for everything you’ve done to me. The countless blessings, guidance and protection are definitely worth thanking for. I will not get tired of giving gratitude to your most Holy name, Lord, because you deserve that.

I dedicate this success to the man of my life, my dearest father Apad who is now with the creator. Pa, thank you so much for all the sacrifices you’ve done to us and for loving my mother unconditionally. Also, thank you for being my angel for almost 10 years and for guiding me along my journey. I know how happy and proud of you to me. This is it pa!

Words are not enough how thankful and grateful I am to all of you. Again, from the bottom of my heart a million thanks to all.

To God be all the Glory. Amen! 

#proudworkingstudent #TYNDDU #TYLord #LibraryScience #Librarian #gratefulheart #happinessoverload 


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