
Showing posts from 2015

Librarianship Journey

  Mark Andrew D. Bacordo B achelor of Library and Information Science major in Academic Librarianship This is the perfect time to post this photo since I earned my bachelor’s degree (Library and Information Science) last October 23, 2014 and few more days to go before the graduation ceremony. Indeed the fruit of my hard work and efforts after five years of schooling. My college was not an easy journey; I’ve encountered problems and difficulties that tested my patience, perseverance and faith in God. But despite that I went through, I never give up because in every battle I faced, I learned something from it. God is always with me and that His own way of helping me to achieve all that I aspire. I can’t achieve this dream without the helped of so many kindhearted people who were instruments in whom I’m grateful and thankful for their contribution in my success. First, to my ever supportive, loving and amazing family (Mama TC, siblings Kuya John2x, Kuya Along and Sis Lea...